A forum for people who suffer from chronic or persistent coughs to share ideas... these don't have any sort of official approval so you try any of them out at your own risk. I've consigned some of the more unusual ones I received to the Oddities bin on the left. I've also listed very simple remedies separately. If you're a sufferer, good luck, and please report back by commenting on the particular posting if you find success. Or just comment to the most recent posting and I will pick it up.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The cough is easing off!
Something else that's also helping is that I've cut down my alcohol consumption quite a lot. That's partly to do with not wanting to mix drugs and alcohol too much, but I have also found that the less alcohol I have, the better chance I have of a good night's sleep.
Anyway, life's definitely taken a turn for the better, and I'm about to go and spend Christmas and New Year in Thailand so that will be another boost for my physical and mental well being!
Merry Christmas to all who've shared in my blog.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Marc, UK
NP writes: I've had a similar suggestion from an osteopath, so I may investigate this one further.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Latest news from NickP:
Monday, October 29, 2007
NickP wrote:
Black bean: about a quarter of a kilogram.
Water: amount of 1 day drink (may put in small amount of sugar).
Boil them by weak fire for 3-4 hours.
Drink the boiled black bean water as daily drink. It would be best to eat the cooked black beans together with the water.
After 1 week of drinking, your coughing is hopefully be cured!
I've not had the nerve to try it yet!
Peter, letter from Co.Antrim
Mrs.S, letter from Paignton, Devon
Monday, October 22, 2007
Steve, Whitstable, Kent
1) Give up chewing gum or anything with a menthol/peppermint type flavour/smell. It gives short term relief, but is an extreme irritant to the bronchial tubes and makes coughing much much worse some time after chewing with a 'rebound' effect. This has a major effect on me, chewing gum for a couple of hours in the day will bring back all my symptoms every time by 6pm, and yet chewing more gum will give instant relief as well. Much much better to give it up.
2) Steam inhalation can help, it may make it worse at first but persevere, it's doing good. Don't add menthol or anything (irritant).
3) Fasting on water for a day or so will likely help, the coughing will be worse during the fast but will suddenly stop and the effect will last several days.
Susan, Bradwell-on-Sea
Fiona, Exeter, Devon
Lavinia, Barnet, Herts.
Mine started over 12 years ago after I had a lung infection followed by a chest infection.
I have been seeing a consultant at the Royal Nose Throat and Ear hospital in Grays Inn Road for years now. She has been very thorough and will not give up. I have been on a low salycilate diet. Anyone done this one? It did ease the cough a little, but no can survive on a diet like this.
Think we should keep in touch in case anyone finds something helpful that could be passed on.
Gareth, Wrington, Somerset
Pam in Beckenham, Kent
Good luck with your search for a cure - let me know if you find one. Best wishes.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
NickP, Blog Editor
She also advised me to cut out alcohol, drink plenty of water and take a food supplement called Aloe Gold for a period. Her view was that this would all help my body to "reset" itself.
So I'm going to give it a go.
Meantime, I've just been back to my cough clinic at Wythenshawe Hospital and discussed with my doctor there some of the many suggestions that have been made to me as a result of the publicity. She was interested to hear of them all - and we had a laugh about a few! Dr.S is open-minded about complementary medicines but also offered a few useful words of caution. The next treatment she is advising is a drug which will act on the parts of my nervous system which may have been imprinted with the habit of coughing. So if Bowen doesn't work out, that's the next thing I'll try.
I will not be defeated by this!
If you have any suggestions to make or views to express, add a comment to this posting and I will pick it up. Thanks.
Karen, UK
About eighteen months ago I decided enough was enough and started to research 'persistent dry cough' . After about three months I'd looked at a lot of information, both from websites and health discussion noticeboards. During this time I had lung xrays (all clear) and had been given an inhaler. The inhaler was to 'eliminate' asthma from the list of possible causes ie if it worked then I had asthma! The inhaler actually triggered the cough, so I only used it a couple of times.
Eventually I found that a persistent cough was a symptom of candidiasis (there are many strains of candida with different names). I found a questionnaire on the net and had a very high score on it. I then looked up ways of curing it with drugs and diet.
I should point out that I'm not really a believer in alternative 'medicine' and that there an awful lot of 'remedies' on the net and in health shops which purport to 'cure' candida, but people commenting in forums stated that they didn't work. In the main they seem to be a money making scheme.
After more research into what others did to cure candidiasis I decided to try the anti-candida diet and combine that with taking a month's supply of flucanazole. I had to get the flucanazole on the net from India via New Zealand, self-prescription I know, but by this time I was getting desperate. The diet is strict (no sugar at all, including natural fruit sugars and nothing else that encourages yeast growth) and is supposed to be followed for a minimum of three months. I also took apple cider vinegar (one or two teaspoons before each meal) which I read other people had used to combat candida. I also used Xylitol, a natural sugar (as I have a very sweet tooth). Xylitol is known to boost the immune system and the chewing gum also cures ear problems and mend tooth cavities. I also bought Xylitol nasal spray which is natural too and can be used as many times as you like to clear and moisturise ears, sinuses and throat. Re the diet, if you try it there is a range of yeast free foods in Tesco which are good - soda bread etc.
The information I looked up stated that the anti-candida diet and the drugs had to be used together as neither of them would work on their own. I followed the diet as closely as I could for three months and took the flucanazole for one month (two tablets on day one and one a day after that). I had read that usually people felt initially worse and after about two weeks I did feel pretty awful - terrible itching mainly and headaches plus a bad stomach. However, I found those symptoms stopped and then I began to feel much better and continued to do so until the end of the three months when my cough had disappeared and I felt miles healthier than I had done for a long time. I gradually introduced all foods back into my diet, but am still wary of getting too much sugar into my system (still using the Xylitol). The cough hasn't returned.
Mrs.T, Manchester
Pauline, Widnes
I went for treatment to the Plexus Bio-Energy clinic in Galway, Eire - you'll find it if you Google it. The treatment consists of four consecutive half-hour sessions costing between 150-180 euros - you may be advised to have three in total.
Ring them up and tell them your problem. If you go and it doesn't work, you can enjoy a pleasant break in Guinness country.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Dave, Southampton, by letter
I'm, 77 by the way.
Mary, Edinburgh, by letter
Mr.Williams, letter
Sunday, September 23, 2007
DaveL comment on M.Bristow
I started coughing in approx 1984 and tried all the recommended medication suggested by my GP, including nasal sprays, throat sprays etc, to no avail. It eventually got so bad the spasms were making me black out, this prompted my GP to send me to a consultant. The consultant put me on Omnaprozole 10mg twice a day, and eventually in 2003 sent me for a throat examination ( Gastroscopy I think). I didn’t have a general anaesthetic for the inspection. which I afterwards regretted as it took to burly female nurses to hold me down whilst he shoved the camera down my throat. It really hurt, but I survived and went home regretting not having a general anaesthetic. Guess what, my cough was cured. I survived an emergency Abdominal Aortic Aneurism in 2004, which I almost certainly wouldn’t have done if I still had my cough.
Six months ago it came back and I’m desperately trying to get my consultant (who I see every six months) to send me for another gastroscopy, but she is sceptical that this was the cure (or the relief). So I see her again soon and will push again. She has put me on a regime of 40mg omnaprozole daily and Ranitidine 150 & Metoclopramide 10mg twice daily.
In the meant-time I will take my Cobalt plate out.
PS I find a pint of Tanglefoot beer definitely helps
Monday, September 17, 2007
Jean, UK
Continual debilitating coughing as described is a sypmtom. I was provided with two antibiotics plus one other bismuth based tablet and within two weeks the problem was eliminated.
Josephine, UK
We asked to be referred to a Consultant who examined my husband, found nothing and said it was something he would have to live with. Life became unbearable for him and for me living with him - I was concerned, sorry for him and I admit it was very wearing. At times you just wanted to put your hands over your ears.
After some time we went back to our doctor who said he would like to try some tablets Ranitidine 150 mg, twice a day. The tablets he prescribed were for Acid Reflux, even though my husband had never suffered with indigestion, heartburn or any other related ailments in his life. THE TABLETS WORKED, we were overjoyed. Yes, he coughs occasionally, but just like a normal person does.
Not ever having to take any tablets in his life, and was concerned that he would have to take these for the rest of his life, he went on to the web site of the www.coughclinic.org.uk, situated in Hull, which had been brought to our attention. He completed the questionnaire and an immediate reply was received recommending the same medication.
The Clinic also follow up your questionnaire at a later date.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I find this very embarrasing at work, as i work with E.N.T.consultants who are struggling to find a solution. Also i find it totally embarrasing when socialising having to leave the room mid conversation. So if there are any answers or suggestions out there i would be very interested indeed. At least now i know i am not the only one suffering this problem.
many tests which proved negative until she came across someone who
suggested it might be the steel band in partial dentures. when this was
replaced with a plastic piece she has now stopped coughing.
John, ntlworld
The most effective relief has been to take a small dose of Night Nurse (approx one third of the recommended dose) and I take this roughly every third or fourth night at bedtime when the problem is particularly annoying.
My wife has suffered my problem all these years which tends to be worse in the evening when watching TV.
Six months ago we decided to replace the carpet in our lounge and bedroom with wooden flooring and it has reduced my problem dramatically.
Alison, Cannock
I cannot tell you how embarrassing this problem is at times. It really does affect your quality of life - if I'm in a bad phase I can't visit the cinema or theatre and a restaurant is out of the question. I would give much to not cough anymore. Not only is it embarrassing - it's painful as well as my throat and chest muscles become very sore at times.
I don't smoke and I never have but I often get stopped by complete strangers in the street who say to me "you should stop smoking".
If you have the time, I would be so grateful if you could put me in touch with someone who can help me.
Gordon, UK
there was an article in the daily mail some months ago re coughs, with an email address to a cough clinic on line. I took the on line test and was diagnosed with rhinitic cough. they supplied me with a letter to my doctor, he gave me the recommended prescription, which has all but cured my cough (takes about 2 weeks) maybe you could help by passing on the following address to mr Peake. http://www.cough.co.uk
Kay, UK
Geraldine, UK
on to the motorway hard shoulder because of an attack and until recently could not have contemplated going to the theatre or concert - until...
I took an old fashioned remedy called Collis Browns Mixture, usually sold for mild stomach upsets (which is why I took it) and found quite a small dose will quell my cough for several hours - it's wonderful! (though haven't discussed it with my doctor yet, afraid he will tell me it doesnt go with my blood pressure pills or something!). The stuff can be bought from the dispensing section of most chemists.
Annie, UK
Whilst there many reasons for persistent coughing, and assuming that a full medical check has been carried out,there a several simple herbal remedies that Mr Peake could try. A tea made of plantain (the weed which grows on lawns and wild all over the countryside) and thyme is especially beneficial. I usually add honey and lemon or lime to taste. I am sure that Mr Peake has kept a record of when the cough is at it's worst - and if he finds that it is especially irritating from spring to late autumn, he could do worse than take 'Pollena', a homeopathic remedy available in pharmacies and some supermarkets. People are often unaware that hay-fever can occur from the appearance of the first leaf in spring , to the disappearance of the last in the autumn.
The mixture I have described can be dried and used throughout the winter months. In addition taking echinacea daily, or better still a herbal 'antibiotic' should ultimately bring total relief.
Tony, UK
Then I went to a new doctor and he said it was germs in my nassle passage.
I then bought a nasal spray Otrivine and it cleared it up.
About every 2 years after a cold it comes back but I get Otrivine and it
clears it.
Brian, E.Sussex
The naturalpath also advised me to eat a dessert spoon of wheat germ each day with a meal.
Joyce, Northumberland
My brother gave me some co-drydomol tablets for my arthritis and within two days my cough stopped.
I went to see my GP who put me on codeine tablets three times a day and they worked. Apparently they subdue the coughing centre in the brain.
Mr.N.Parker, Leicester
Pour 570ml. (20 fl.oz) of boiling water over 50g (2oz.) of finely chopped garlic. Allow to stand in a sealed bottle for 24 hours. Strain off liquid into a clean bottle, add enough honey until a syrupy consistency is formed.
Anne, Liversedge
... within minutes of describing my systems to the consultant I was diagnosed as having "silent reflux" caused by the muscle at the top of the stomach letting in food & drink but then not closing properly, allowing gases to escape, thus irritating the throat. It is now controlled by stomach medication.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Jill, UK
Have you had a gastric- endoscopy to check for a Hiatus Hernia? You don't need to have heartburn or acid reflux to have a hernia. The problem of the cough is when the diaphragm pushes against the stomach when you are lecturing or sitting especially if leaning over, exercising etc.
This will push the acid out of the stomach, which tries to seep into the lungs, mucus is formed as a protection and then you have the cough.
My cough will start when I am singing, giving presentations, sitting down in a slumped position, bending over to pick something up. I am also unable to sleep on my right side or flat in bed.
Hope this helps.
Anne, Norfolk
What I am actually writing all this screed for is that I understand that you are going to Wythenshaw to partake in a research programme and I was wondering if they came up with an answer if it was possible that you could tell me what it is so that I can get back to a normal life.
My theory on this cough is that a nerve has got irritated and if they could give me something to deaden the nerve it would be cured.
Pamie, UK
Anthony, North of England
The consultants have given me allergy tests. No allergies. I have given up dairy produce, just in case. Not a big problem as I have been a vegetarian for 40 years, but not the answer. They have suggested now that it is myself who has created ' a habit ' of coughing/ clearing my throat. I know it is not me, but something about my throat. I have tried meditation. No help.
About 10 months ago I found that chewing gum at best stopped the clearing/coughing. It certainly stopped me having such a sore throat. I now wake up and pop chewing gum in my mouth. Every day and all days. My jaws get tired, but on the positive side my jaw line has got firmer. It is the only thing that controls my problem. Sometimes if I got really bad I have tried my wife's asthma 'puffer' and it possibly helps a little. I have also had tests for asthma and I don't have any symptoms.
Only one other thing can subdue the problem for me. I like watching DVD movies in bed on my laptop. And my wife has noticed that as I get more into the film, I start to stop clearing /coughing.
I have this mental picture of this sad little creature chewing gum and watching films 24 hours a day.
My conclusions are the chewing gum keeps my throat moist, and possibly relaxes it ( Not too sure on the latter) and the 'puffer' opens up my airways ( as they are intended to), and the film watching ? Relaxes me? Lets me displace?
I hope you do not mind me writing to you, but you are the only other person I have seen who suffers from the same problem and coincidentally has found chewing gum helps.
I have come to the conclusion that I am stuck with this for the rest of my life.
The consultants have now suggested I go for Sleep Apnoea test,(Please Google it for a definition) because of my throat problems. They have almost admitted that they are running out of ideas.
Jill, Bradford
Just thought that I would write to you in sympathy. Hope that it gets
better as time goes on.
Ace, Manchester
I have a lung problem called "COPD." I find that slow relaxed breathing helps - get yourself a book from the library or a dvd ,and do some of the exercises. will help you.
Anne, UK
I have just read about your coughing problem. I am of similar age and have had a similar (if less intense) problem over a number of years - a tickly cough where I just can't clear my throat. Like you, my cough appeared to be at its worst about an hour and a half after getting up. I even suggested to my GP that the road where I would be at that time is probably the most polluted in the city as I thought it may be pollution that was causing the cough.
I, too, have tried lots of measures, some with my GP, others without (drugs for congestion, acid reflux and asthma, a chest X-ray, homeopathic treatments - quercetin and ivy-thyme complex, and Hopi ear candle treatment). None has worked.
However, I have just had a food intolerance test and the results showed an intolerance to milk and yeast. As proposed, I have cut milk and yeast and all their products (cheese, butter, margarine, yoghurt, cream, chocolate, ice cream wine! beer, bread etc) out of my diet and within a matter of days things changed drastically. My old type of cough appears to have gone and has been replaced with a significant 'productiive' cough. I believe this is clearing out my system of all the clogged up mucus that has built up and was causing the niggling cough.
If you haven't already done so, it may be worthwhile having a food intolerance test. I used Yorktest (www.yorktest.com) or try cutting out all milk and milk products as I have recently read that milk thickens mucus, which seems to be my problem. I assure you that I have no connection with Yorktest other than as a customer.
Good luck.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Jenny, UK
Like you I gave up smoking after quite a number of years and like you I
don't cough when I'm asleep: conclusion : there is nothing wrong with my
lungs: the whole thing is to do with my throat, (which I have possibly
sensitised/damaged as a result of the smoking which is an added trigger).
But why?
When my doctor didn't come up with anything, being an academic I sat down and thought about it logically.
What is different between asleep and awake?
My eyes are open/closed.
I then experimented, and low and behold, if I close my eyes for say 15
minutes during the day, away from strong light, I don't cough either.
The whole thing is to do with the amount of 'tearing' of my eyes.
So that is what needs dealing with.
The second thing is that I discovered that some people do what they call "cry through their nose".
It is a psychosomatic phenomenon due to suppressed sadness. Some people have a constantly blocked nose, others, like me have the constant teary trickle which causes the cough. One person I met had to use nose-drops several times a day until her father who had abused her died, and from that day on never had to use the drops again.
So I declined all lung tests or treatments and concentrated on my eyes instead, sunglasses in the morning, and I make sure I never get cold, even indoors. etc. The only time I now cough significantly is when I yawn a few times and my eyes fill with tears.
I blow my nose a lot, as soon as there is any hint that something could be trickling down. That helped a lot as well.
Have a think and see what happens !! Good luck!
Gillian, England
I thought you might like to know about a cough medicine called Bisolvon (Bissolvon), obtainable from
Anyway, having successfully used this medicine on my then small daughter, I can recommend it. I wrote to the manufacturers and asked about distributing here but got a woolly answer. It was only through a vet I found out that the real reason is the cost. I have asked chemists to look up the ingredient in it but they have nothing similar here. It is very quick to
Good luck.
Medical worker, NY
Coughing is caused by a part of our brain when it is stimulated. Vomiting is also caused when the vomiting center of our brain gets a signal from our body. Certain medications for High Blood Pressure have "cough" as a side effect. Most of these drugs are in the Ace Inhibitor class of drugs. I had a steady cough for almost 2 years. No medications helped. Finally a respiratory therapist told me I needed pleural therapy on my back. The therapist would cup their hands and hit my back for about an hour, until the irritating things in my lungs started to come up. I went to this therapy 3 times a week for about a month. After each treatment, so much material came out of my lungs and throat. Once it was out, I began to clear up.
Dympna, Essex
problem for over 10 years and I had just given up smoking as well. I did
cough when I smoked but thought the smoke was the reason. Anyway over the
years I have tried everything too, but I never knew about chewing gum. It
is not something I enjoy but would do anything for relief.
I had a fundoplication operation on my stomach to see if gastric reflux was
the cause but to no avail either. I travelled to Hull from Essex regularly
to see Prof. Alyn Morice who is googleable and has written an interesting
paper on cough. My problem remains unresolved. Any suggestions, short of chopping my head off, would be helpful.
Peter, Bangkok, Thailand
I have had this problem for over 25 years and it is very debilitating indeed to the point where I pass out and have no idea where I am or what I did. My doctor says it is mild emphysema. I have no idea myself but sympathise with anyone in this situation. It is so embarrassing when you are in public and just can't stop the cough.